meal guides.

skip the diet.
Let’s eat real food.

Templates to download.

  • Daily meal guide

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Its a bit of cliché but it is so true.
    Having a plan based around the food you enjoy helps you keep on track and still loving the food your eating while feeling good about the choices you’re making.

    It’s ok to deviate from the plan, but having a solid road map of where you want to be going certainly helps making the right choice easier.

  • Weekly meal plan

    Setting your self up for the week will not only save you from the daily dreaded “what should I have for dinner tonight?” conversation. It will also save you money and prevent those last minute dashes through the drive through.
    Download & print off the weekly meal guide to keep you on the right track 7 days a week.

Meal plan daily example 1.png